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Staff of the Week Awards: Recognizing Excellence and Dedication

Staff of the Week Awards: Recognizing Excellence and Dedication

At Sacred Heart Catholic College, we believe that excellence deserves recognition. Each week, we honor outstanding members of our teaching and administrative team who go above and beyond to make a difference. Their hard work, commitment, and passion do not go unnoticed. We are proud to celebrate these exemplary individuals for their contributions to our college community.

Here are the awardees for the past few weeks:

  • Week 3: Mr. Vitalis K. – For his unwavering commitment to student growth and exceptional classroom management.
  • Week 4: Mr. Edunjobi B.D. – For his innovative teaching techniques and dedication to enhancing student engagement.
  • Week 5: Miss Idowu D. – For her remarkable efforts in guiding students with patience and empathy, inspiring them to reach their full potential.
  • Week 6: Mr. Adewale T.S. – For his impressive leadership and dedication to fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Congratulations to each of these outstanding individuals! Their incredible performances have not only enriched the lives of our students but also set a high standard of excellence at Sacred Heart Catholic College. Thank you for all that you do!

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